新浦京集团350vip 新浦京集团350vip






2012-2013,美国Oakland University,博士后

2018.03-06,加拿大Alberta University,GALD项目访学












[1] 盐负荷诱导血管内皮细胞损伤模型的构建(湖南省自然科学基金项目2021-2023)



[1] N. Zhang, L. Zhao, M. He, P. Luo,L. Tan*, Assay of inorganic pyrophosphatase activity based on a fluorescence“turn–off” strategy using carbon quantum dots@Cu-MOF nanotubes,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2023, 284, 121771.

[2] L. Zhao, N. Zhang, M. He, P. Luo,L. Tan*, A nanozyme‑based competitive electrochemical immunosensor for the determination of E‑selectin,Microchimica Acta, 2022, 189, 406.

[3] T. Zhai, R. Li, N. Zhang, L. Zhao, M. He,L. Tan*, Simultaneous detection of sulfite and nitrite on graphene oxide nanoribbons-gold nanoparticles composite modified electrode,Electroanalysis, 2022, 34, 103–110.

[4] R. Li, T. Zhai, L. Zhao, N. Zhang, M. He,L. Tan*, Preparation of poly(caffeic acid)-CoP nanoparticle film on electrode surface and sensitive voltammetric detection of acetaminophen,Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021, 627, 127173.

[5] B. Tian, L. Zhao, R. Li, T. Zhai, N. Zhang, Z. Duan,L. Tan*, Electrochemical immunoassay of endothelin-1 based on a Fenton-type reaction using Cu(II)-containing nanocomposites as nanozymes.Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92, 15916−15926.

[6] M. Wang, B. Tian, Y. Xue, R. Li, T. Zhai,L. Tan*, Determination of aminophylline based on fluorescence quenching of amino-functionalized graphene quantum dots induced by photoilluminated riboflavin-aminophylline system.Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2020, 235, 118306.

[7 Y. Xue, B.Tian, M. Wang, T. Zhai, R. Li,L. Tan*, Well-dispersed poly(cysteine)-Ni(OH)2nanocomposites on graphene modifiedelectrode surface for highly sensitive non-enzymatic glucose detection.Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical andEngineering Aspects,2020, 591, 124549.

[8] X. Jiang, Y. Kou, J. Lu, Y. Xue, M. Wang, B. Tian,L. Tan*, Fluorescence “on-off-on” assay of copper ions and EDTA usingamino-functionalized graphene quantum dots.Journal of Fluorescence, 2020, 30, 301–308.

[9] B. Tian, Y. Kou, X. Jiang, J. Lu, Y. Xue, M. Wang,L. Tan*, Ultrasensitive determination of mercury ions using a glassy carbonelectrode modified with nanocomposites consisting of conductive polymer and amino-functionalized graphene quantum dots.Microchimica Acta, 2020, 187, 210.

[10] J. Lu, Y. Kou, X. Jiang, M. Wang, Y. Xue, B. Tian,L. Tan*, One-step preparation of poly(glyoxal-bis(2-hydroxyanil))-amino-functionalized graphene quantum dots-MnO2composite on electrode surface for simultaneous determination of vitamin B2and dopamine.Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2019, 580, 123652.

[11] Y. Kou, J. Lu, X. Jiang, B. Tian, Y.n Xue, M. Wang,L. Tan*, Electrochemical determination of vitamin B12 based on Cu2+-involved Fenton-like reaction.Electroanalysis,2019, 31, 1155–1163.

[12] Y. Li, W. Zhang, X. Jiang, Y. Kou, J. Lu,L. Tan*,Investigation of photo-induced electron transfer betweenamino-functionalized graphene quantum dots and selenium nanoparticle and its application for sensitive fluorescent detection ofcopper ions.Talanta, 2019, 197, 341–347.

[13] L. Kong, Y. Li, C. Ma, B. Liu,L. Tan*, Sensitive immunoassay of von willebrand factor based on fluorescence resonance energytransfer between graphene quantum dots andAg@Aunanoparticles.Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2018, 165, 286–292.

[14] W. Wang, C. Ma, Y. Li, B. Liu,L. Tan*, One-pot preparation of conducting composite containing abundant amino groups onelectrode surface for electrochemical detection of von willebrand factor.Applied Surface Science, 2018, 433, 847–854.

[15] B. Liu, C. Ma, Y. Li, Y. Kou, J. Lu, X. Jiang,L. Tan*, Voltammetric determination of reduced glutathione usingpoly(thionine) as a mediator in the presence of Fenton-type reaction.Talanta, 2017, 170, 399–405.

[16] W. Wang, L. Kong, J. Zhu,L. Tan*, One-pot preparation of conductive composite containing boronic acid derivative for non-enzymatic glucose detection.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2017, 498, 1–8.

[17] L. Kong, J. Zhu, W. Wang, L. Jin, Y. Fu, B. Duan,L. Tan*, Highly sensitive turn-on fluorescence detection of thrombomodulinbased on fluorescence resonance energy transfer.Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,2017, 173, 675–680.

[18] J. Zhu, W. Wang, L. Kong, C. Ma, Y. Li, B. Liu,L. Tan*, Real-time monitoring of oxidative injury of vascular endothelial cellsand protective effect of quercetin using quartz crystal microbalance.Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016, 408, 8415–8425.

[19] T. Liu, Y. Luo, L. Kong, J. Zhu, W. Wang,L. Tan*,Voltammetric detection of Cu2+using poly(azure A) modified glassy carbonelectrode based on mimic peroxidase behavior.Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical,2016, 235, 568–574.

[20] T. Liu, Y. Luo, J. Zhu, L. Kong, W. Wang,L. Tan*,Non-enzymatic detection of glucose using poly(azureA)-nickel modifiedglassy carbon electrode.Talanta, 2016, 156-157, 134–140.

[21] Y. Luo, T. Liu, J. Zhu, L. Kong, W. Wang,L. Tan*,Label-free and sensitive detection of thrombomodulin, a marker ofendothelial cell injury,using quartz crystal microbalance.Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87, 11277–11284.

[22] T. Liu, Y. Luo, W. Wang, L. Kong, J. Zhu,L. Tan*,Non-enzymatic detection of hydrogen peroxide based on Fenton-typereaction on poly(azure A)-chitosan/Cu modified electrode.Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 182, 742–750.

[23] L. Chen, Y. Luo, T. Liu, Y. Yuan, H. Gu, Y. Yang, L. Li,L. Tan*,Label-free electrochemical immunoassay of Bcl-2 proteinexpression on tumor cells.Talanta, 2015, 132, 479–485.

[24] B. Huang, N. Jia, L. Chen,L. Tan*,S. Yao. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy study on polymerization of L-lysine onelectrode surface and its application for immobilization and detection of suspension cells.Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 6940–6947.

[25] N. Jia, B. Huang, L. Chen,L. Tan*,S. Yao. A simple non-enzymatic hydrogen peroxide sensor using gold nanoparticles-graphene-chitosan modified electrode.Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical,2014, 195, 165–170.

[26] L. Zhu, L. Xu, B. Huang, N. Jia,L. Tan*,S. Yao. Simultaneous determination of Cd(II) and Pb(II) using square wave anodicstripping voltammetry at a gold nanoparticle-graphene-cysteine composite modified bismuth film electrode.ElectrochimicaActa, 2014, 115, 471–477.

[27] L. Xu, L. Zhu, N. Jia, B. Huang,L. Tan*,S. Yang, H. Tang, Q. Xie, S. Yao. Quantification of Bax protein on tumor cells basedon electrochemical immunoassay.Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical,2013, 186, 506–514.

[28] L. Zhu, L. Xu, N. Jia, B. Huang,L. Tan*,S. Yang, S. Yao. Electrochemical immunoassay for carcinoembryonic antigen usinggold nanoparticle–graphene composite modified glassy carbon electrode.Talanta, 2013, 116, 809–815.

[29] L. Zhu, L. Xu,L. Tan*,H. Tan, S. Yang, S. Yao. Direct electrochemistry of cholesterol oxidase immobilized on goldnanoparticles-decorated multiwalled carbon nanotubes and cholesterol sensing.Talanta,2013, 106, 192–199.

[30] B. Zhou, X. Xiao, L. Xu, L. Zhu,L. Tan*,H. Tang, Y. Zhang, Q. Xie, S. Yao. Electrochemical immunoassay on expression ofintegrin β1 on tumor cells and drug-resistant tumor cells.Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2012, 38, 389–395.

[31] B. Zhou, X. Xiao, L. Xu, L. Zhu,L. Tan*,H. Tang, Y. Zhang, Q. Xie, S. Yao. A dynamic study on reversal of multidrugresistance by ginsenoside Rh2 in adriamycin-resistant human breast cancer MCF-7 cells.Talanta, 2012, 88, 345–351.

[32] X. Xiao, B. Zhou, L. Zhu, L. Xu,L. Tan*,H. Tang, Y. Zhang, Q. Xie, S. Yao. An reagentless glucose biosensor based on directelectrochemistry of glucose oxidase immobilized on poly(methylene blue) doped silica nanocomposites.Sensors and ActuatorsB-Chemical, 2012, 165, 126–132.

[33] X. Xiao, B. Zhou,L. Tan∗, H. Tang, Y. Zhang, Q. Xie, S. Yao, Poly(methylene blue) doped silica nanocomposites withcrosslinked cage structure: Electropolymerization, characterization and catalytic activity for reduction of dissolved oxygen.Electrochimica Acta, 2011, 56, 10055–10063.

[34] X. Jiang,L. Tan*, B. Zhang, Y. Zhou, S. Yao, Q. Xie, In vitro electrochemical study on combined cytotoxicity of5-Fluorouracil and three types of nanoparticles against MG-63 cells.Analytical Letters, 2011, 44, 698–708.

[35] X. Jiang,L. Tan*, B. Zhang, Y. Zhang, H. Tang, Q. Xie, S. Yao, Detection of adherent cells using electrochemical impedancespectroscopy based on molecular recognition of integrin β1.Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 2010, 149, 87–93.


[1] 国家级一流本科专业建设点—化学

[2] 湖南省普通高等学校课程思政建设研究项目,“师范专业实验课程体系课程思政建设研究—以化学专业为例”,2020-2022.

[3] 湖南省普通高等学校教学改革研究项目,“多媒体辅助双语分析化学实验教学研究”,2012-2016.


[1] 省级线下一流本科课程,“分析化学实验”,2020.



[1] 谭亮,陈超,魏琳,谭月明,马铭.分析化学(一)教学与科研互促的实践探索.学化学,2021, 36, 2104002.

[2] 谭亮,陈超,方正法,马铭.多媒体辅助双语分析化学实验教学模式探索.实验室科学, 2017, 20, 235-237.

[3] 谭亮,徐琼,赵海红,杨蓉,袁露,荣春英,陈超.化学化工虚拟仿真实验教学中心的建设与思考.第十三届全国大学化学教学研讨会论文集, ISBN978-7-5629-5043-1,武汉理工大学出版社, 2015.

[4] 谭亮,杨素芳,马铭,唐浩,郭宾.微型分析化学实验教学与“两型社会”观教育.实验室研究与探索, 2012, 31, 116-118.

[5] 谭亮,彭建辉,方正法,马铭,吴吉娜.加强科学管理,建设节约型实验室.实验室研究与探索, 2007, 26, 151-152.

[6] 谭亮,吴吉娜,于风江,李则林.论高校实验室建设与管理工作中的几个误区.实验技术与管理, 2004, 94, 160-162.


[1] 湖南省化学化工学会第12届理事会常务理事

[2] 《大学化学》第6届编委会编委



E-mail: liangtan@hunnu.edu.cn



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