新浦京集团350vip 新浦京集团350vip



刘美玲,理学博士,教授,博士生导师,湖南省芙蓉学者青年学者,湖南省青年骨干教师培养对象。2006年硕士毕业留校工作,2012获得理学博士学位。2017年6月-2018年6月在加州大学洛杉矶分校访学。主要从事光、电分析化学与传感和纳米材料的表界面调控与应用等领域的研究工作,在功能化有机化合物的合成、表征和应用,压电光谱电化学,碳基纳米材料功能化与应用等领域完成了一些创新研究工作。曾获湖南省优秀博士论文和湖南省优秀硕士论文奖,湖南省自然科学奖二等奖等奖项。主持和完成4项国家自然科学基金、多项湖南省科技厅、教育厅及企业合作课题。Adv. Mater., Anal. Chem., Chem. Commun., J. Mater. Chem. A, ACS sensors, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Biosens. Bioelectron., J. Agri. Food Chem.等国内外刊物发表论文100余篇,被Chem. Rev等SCI期刊他引3000多次,多篇论文进入高被引行列。已指导多名本科生以第一作者在分析化学相关领域发表SCI论文8篇,在本科生创新培养方面形成了特色。

邮箱:liuml@hunnu.edu.cn; liumeilingww@126.com








1. 过渡金属氧化物纳米酶多功能反应器调控、监测H2O2/GSH水平及级联催化治疗初探(22974047),2023.01~2026.12,国家自然科学基金,54万,在研。

2. 多功能“智能纳米卷”的制备及其在癌症诊断、监测与治疗中的应用(21974042),2020.01~2023.12,国家自然科学基金,63万,在研。

3. 基于碳点和新型植物提取物制备的双金属纳米材料及应用,2017.01~2017.12,国家自然科学基金,10万,已结题。

4. 基于新型二茂铁衍生物/功能化石墨烯纳米材料修饰电极的电化学传感研究,2013.01 ~2016.12,国家自然科学基金青年基金,25万,已结题。

5. 二维多孔纳米片/金属纳米簇多功能纳米复合物的制备及其在生化分析与疾病诊断中的应用,2019.01~2021.12,湖南省教育厅优秀青年基金,6万,在研。

6. 基于过渡金属氧化物多纳米酶性质的癌症诊断和治疗体系的构建与应用,湖南省自然科学基金,10万,在研。

7. 新型二茂铁衍生物/功能化石墨烯纳米金修饰电极的电化学传感,2013.07~2016.07,湖南省自然科学基金,4万,已结题。

8. 新型二茂铁衍生物功能化碳纳米材料修饰电极的构建及传感研究,2014.01~2016.12,湖南大学化学生物传感与计量学国家重点实验室开放课题,3万,已结题。

9. 新型二茂铁衍生物功能化碳纳米的制备及应用,2014.01~2016.12,湖南省教育厅优秀青年基金,5万,已结题。

10. 科研驱动本科拔尖创新人才培养的探索与实践,湖南省教学改革课题,2万,在研。




1. Li, P.; Luo, L.; Cheng, D.; Sun, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, M.*; Yao, S. Regulation of the structure of zirconium-based porphyrinic metal-organic framework as highly electrochemiluminescence sensing platform for thrombin. Analytical Chemistry 2022, 94 (14), 5707.

2. Xu, Y.; Yan, J.; Zhu, Y.; Chen, H.; Wu, C.; Zhu, X.; Zhang, Y.; Li, H.; Liu, M.*; Yao, S. Self-cascade nanoenzyme of cupric oxide nanoparticles (CuO NPs) induced in situ catalysis formation of polyelectrolyte as template for the synthesis of near-infrared fluorescent silver nanoclusters and the application in glutathione detection and bioimaging; Analytical Chemistry 2022, 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c02832.

3. Cheng, D.; Li, P.; Xu, Z.; Liu, X.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, M.*; Yao, S. Signal on-off electrochemical sensor for glutathione based on a AuCu-decorated Zr-containing metal-organic framework via solid-state electrochemistry of cuprous chloride. ACS Sensors 2022, 7 (8), 2465.

4. Zhu, Y.; Yan, J.; Liu, J.; Chen, H.; Gui, J.; Wu, C.; Zhu, X.; Yin, P.; Liu, M.*; Zhang, Y.et al. Multi-Mimic activities of Co3O4 nanopolyhedrons and application in regulating the content of intracellular hydrogen peroxide/oxygen. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2022, DOI:10.1021/acsanm.2c03271.

5. Li, P.; Xu, Z.; Liu, Zhao, L.; Chen, H.; Xiaohua Zhu, Youyu Zhang, Meiling Liu,* Zhu, X.; Liu, M.;* Zhang, Y.; Yao, S. Nanoluminophores composed of 1,1’-ferrocenedicarboxylic acid and tetrakis-(4-carboxyphenyl) porphyrin for electrochemiluminescence sensing, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 10.1021/acsanm.2c03327.

6. Xu, Z.; Li, P.; Liu, X.; Zhu, X.; Liu, M.;* Zhang, Y.; Yao, S. Dual-signal intrinsic self-calibration ratio electrochemical sensor for glutathione based on silver nanoparticle decorated Prussian Blue analog, Electrochimica Acta 2022, 434, 141273.

7. Cheng, D.; Liu, X.; Li, P.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, M.*; Yao, S. Novel ratiometric electrochemical sensing platform for uric acid based on electroactive cuprous oxide nanocubes combined with boron carbide. Analyst 2022, DOI:10.1039/d2an01270g.

8. Liu, Q.; Lin, Y.; Yue, L.; Liang, J.; Zhang, L.; Li, T.; Luo, Y.; Liu, M.*; You, J.; Alshehri, A. A.et al. Bi nanoparticles/carbon nanosheet composite: A high-efficiency electrocatalyst for NO reduction to NH3. Nano Research 2022, 15 (6), 5032.

9.  Xu, Y.; Li, P.; Zhu, Y.; Tang, Y.; Chen, H.; Zhu, X.; Wu, C.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, M.*; Yao, S. A fluorescence nanoplatform for the determination of hydrogen peroxide and adenosine triphosphate via tuning of the peroxidase-like activity of CuO nanoparticle decorated UiO-66. Microchimica Acta 2022, 189 (3).

10. Xu, Z.; Li, P.; Chen, H.; Zhu, X.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, M.*; Yao, S. Picomolar glutathione detection based on the dual-signal self-calibration electrochemical sensor of ferrocene-functionalized copper metal-organic framework via solid-state electrochemistry of cuprous chloride. Journal of colloid and interface science 2022, 628, 798.

11. Zhang, L.; Wang, J.; Liu, P.; Liang, J.; Luo, Y.; Cui, G.; Tang, B.; Liu, Q.; Yan, X.; Hao, H.; Liu, M.*; Gao, R.; Sun, X*. Ni(OH)2 nanoparticles encapsulated in conductive nanowire array for high-performance alkaline seawater oxidation. Nano Research 2022, 15 (7), 6084.

12. Lu, Q.; Zhang, S.; Ouyang, Y.; Zhang, C.; Liu, M.; Zhang, Y.; Deng, L. Aeromonas salmonicida aptamer selection and construction for colorimetric and ratiometric fluorescence dual-model aptasensor combined with g-C3N4 and G-quadruplex. Talanta 2023, 252.

13. Zhang, S.; Lu, Q.; Zhang, C.; Zhou, Y.; Liu, M.; Zhang, Y.; Deng, L. Green synthesis of silver-carbon nanocomposites with extraordinary stability and robust antibacterial activity against bacterial diseases in fish. ACS Applied Bio Materials 2022, 5 (3), 1064.

14. Gao, J.; Chen, J.; Zhu, X.; Liu, M.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., Multichannel sensor array of carbon dots-metal ion pairs for accurate biological thiols analysis and cancer cell discrimination. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2022, 353.


1. Ma, Z.; Xu, Y.; Li, P.; Cheng, D.; Zhu, X.; Liu, M.*; Zhang, Y.; Liu, Y.; Yao, S. Self-catalyzed surface reaction-induced fluorescence resonance energy transfer on cysteine-stabilized MnO2 quantum dots for selective detection of dopamine. Analytical Chemistry 2021, 93 (7), 3586.

2. Zhao, Q.; Shen, T.; Liu, Y.; Hu, X.; Zhao, W.; Ma, Z.; Li, P.; Zhu, X.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, M.*; Universal nanoplatform for formaldehyde detection based on the oxidase-mimicking activity of MnO2 nanosheets and the in situ catalysis-produced fluorescence species. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2021, 69 (26), 7303.

3. Zhu, X.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, M.*; Liu, Y. 2D titanium carbide mxenes as emerging optical biosensing platforms. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2021, 171, 112730.

4. Sun, Y.; Li, P.; Zhu, Y.; Zhu, X.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, M.*; Liu, Y*. In situ growth of TiO2 nanowires on Ti3C2 MXenes nanosheets as highly sensitive luminol electrochemiluminescent nanoplatform for glucose detection in fruits, sweat and serum samples. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2021, 194.

5. Qiu, L.; Ma, Z.; Li, P.; Hu, X.; Chen, C*.; Zhu, X.; Liu, M.*; Zhang, Y.; Li, H.; Yao, S. Sensitive and selective detection of chromium (VI) based on two-dimensional luminescence metal organic framework nanosheets via the mechanism integrating chemical oxidation-reduction and inner filter effect. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 419, 126443.

6. Xie, J.; Cheng, D.; Li, P.; Xu, Z.; Zhu, X.*; Zhang, Y.; Li, H.; Liu, X.; Liu, M.*; Yao, S. Au/metal-organic framework nanocapsules for electrochemical determination of glutathione. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2021, 4 (5), 4853.

7. Xu, Y.; Li, P.; Hu, X.; Chen, H.; Tang, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Zhu, X.*; Zhang, Y.; Liu, M.*; Yao, S. Polyoxometalate nanostructures decorated with CuO Nanoparticles for Sensing Ascorbic Acid and Fe2+ Ions. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2021, 4 (8), 8302.

8. Cheng, D.; Li, P.; Zhu, X.; Liu, M.*; Zhang, Y.; Liu, Y. Enzyme-free electrochemical detection of hydrogen peroxide based on the three-dimensional flower-like cu-based metal organic frameworks and MXene nanosheets(dagger). Chinese Journal of Chemistry 2021, 39 (8), 2181.

9. Yin, G.; Gan, Y.; Jiang, H.; Yu, T.; Liu, M.; Zhang, Y.; Li, H.; Yin, P.*; Yao, S. Direct quantification and visualization of homocysteine, cysteine, and glutathione in alzheimer's and parkinson's disease model tissues. Analytical Chemistry 2021, 93 (28), 9878.

10. Li, P.; Cheng, D.; Zhu, X.; Liu, M.; Zhang, Y. Partial oxidation of MnS for synergistic electrocatalysis of n2-to-nh3 fixation at ambient conditions,Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2021, 168,116518.

2020 年

1. Ma, Z.; Sun, Y.; Xie, J.; Li, P.; Lu, Q.; Liu, M.*; Yin, P.; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., Facile preparation of MnO2 quantum dots with enhanced fluorescence via microenvironment engineering with the assistance of some reductive biomolecules. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12 (13), 15919-15927.

2. Sun, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, H.; Liu, M.*; Liu, Y. *, Integrating highly efficient recognition and signal transition of g-C3N4 embellished Ti3C2 MXene hybrid nanosheets for electrogenerated chemiluminescence analysis of protein kinase activity. Analytical Chemistry 2020, 92 (15), 10668-10676.

3. Cao, Y.; Li, P.; Wu, T.; Liu, M.*; Zhang, Y., Electrocatalysis of N2 to NH3 by HKUST-1 with high NH3 Yield. Chemistry-an Asian Journal 2020, 15 (8), 1272-1276.

4. Xie, J.; Cheng, D.; Zhou, Z.; Pang, X.; Liu, M.*; Yin, P.; Zhang, Y.; Li, H.; Liu, X.; Yao, S., Hydrogen peroxide sensing in body fluids and tumor cells via in situ produced redox couples on two-dimensional holey CuCo2O4 nanosheets. Microchimica Acta 2020, 187 (8).

5. Zhang, Q.; Sun, Y.; Liu, M.*; Liu, Y., Selective detection of Fe3+ ions based on fluorescence MXene quantum dots via a mechanism integrating electron transfer and inner filter effect. Nanoscale 2020, 12 (3), 1826-1832.

6. Zhu, X.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, M.;* Liu, Y.,* 2D titanium carbide MXenes as emerging optical biosensing platforms, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 10.1016/j.bios.2020.112730.

7. Li, P.; Wu, C.; Cheng, D.; Lu, Q.; Gao, J.; Yang, Y.; Zhu, X.; Liu, M.;* Li, H.; Yin, P.; Zhang Y. *; Group IV nanodots: Newly emerging properties and application in biomarkers sensing, TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 10.1016/j.trac.2020.116007.

8. Xu, Y.; Li, P.; Wu, C.; Cheng, D.; Lu, Q.; Gao, J.; Yang, Y.; Zhu, X.; Liu, M.;* Li, H.; Yin, P.; Zhang Y. *; Group IV nanodots: synthesis, surface engineering and application in bioimaging and biotherapy, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, D0TB01881C.

9. Li, M.; Lu, Q.; Liu, M.; Yin, P.; Wu, C.; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.*; Yao, S. Photoinduced Charge Separation via the Double-Electron Transfer Mechanism in Nitrogen Vacancies g-C3N5/BiOBr for the Photoelectrochemical Nitrogen Reduction. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12 (34), 38266.

2019 年

1. Wu, T.; Li, P.; Wang, H.; Zhao, R.; Zhou, Q.; Kong, W.; Liu, M.;* Zhang, Y.; Sun, X.;* Gong, F., Biomass-derived oxygen-doped hollow carbon microtubes for electrocatalytic N2-to-NH3 fixation under ambient conditions. Chemical Communications 2019, 55 (18), 2684-2687.

2. Liu, M. #; Zhao, Z.#; Duan, X.*, Huang, Y.*. Nanoscale Structure Design for High-Performance Pt-Based ORR Catalysts. Advanced Materials 2019, 31 (6).

3. Li, P.; Wang, J.; Chen, H.; Sun, X.; You, J.; Liu, S.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, M.;* Niu, X.; Luo, Y.*, Synergistic electrocatalytic N2 reduction using a PTCA nanorod-rGO hybrid. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7 (20), 12446-12450.

4. Li, P.; Liu, Z.; Wu, T.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, L.; Wang, L.; Ji, L.; Zhang, Y.; Luo, Y.; Wang, T.; Liu, S.; Wu, Y.; Liu, M.;* Sun, X.*, Ambient electrocatalytic N2 reduction to NH3 by metal fluorides. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2019, 7 (30), 17761-17765.

5. Li, P.; Zhao, R.; Chen, H.; Wang, H.; Wei, P.; Huang, H.; Liu, Q.; Li, T.; Shi, X.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, M.; Sun, X., Recent advances in the development of water oxidation electrocatalysts at mild pH. Small 2019, 15 (13).

6. Wu, T.; Ma, Z.; Li, P.; Lu, Q.; Liu, M.;* Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., Bifunctional colorimetric biosensors via regulation of the dual nanoenzyme activity of carbonized FeCo-ZIF. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2019, 290, 357-363.

7. Mo, F.; Ma, Z.; Wu, T.; Liu, M.;* Zhang, Y.; Li, H.; Yao, S., Holey reduced graphene oxide inducing sensitivity enhanced detection nanoplatform for cadmium ions based on glutathione-gold nanocluster. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2019, 281, 486-492.

8. Mo, F.; Xie, J.; Wu, T.; Liu, M.;* Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., A sensitive electrochemical sensor for bisphenol A on the basis of the AuPd incorporated carboxylic multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Food Chemistry 2019, 292, 253-259.

9. Wu, T.; Hou, W.; Ma, Z.; Liu, M.;* Liu, X.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., Colorimetric determination of ascorbic acid and the activity of alkaline phosphatase based on the inhibition of the peroxidase-like activity of citric acid-capped Prussian Blue nanocubes. Microchimica Acta 2019, 186 (2).

10. Ma, Z.; Wu, T.; Li, P.; Liu, M.;* Huang, S.; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., A dual (colorimetric and fluorometric) detection scheme for glutathione and silver (I) based on the oxidase mimicking activity of MnO2 nanosheets. Microchimica Acta 2019, 186 (8).

11. Yao, J.; Wu, T.; Sun, Y.; Ma, Z.; Liu, M.;* Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., A novel biomimetic nanoenzyme based on ferrocene derivative polymer NPs coated with polydopamine. Talanta 2019, 195, 265-271.

12. Wu, T.; Ma, Z.; Li, P.; Liu, M.;* Liu, X.; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., Colorimetric detection of ascorbic acid and alkaline phosphatase activity based on the novel oxidase mimetic of Fe-Co bimetallic alloy encapsulated porous carbon nanocages. Talanta 2019, 202, 354-361.


1. Zhang, Q.; Wang, F.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, M.*; Liu, Y.* Universal Ti3C2 MXenes based self-standard ratiometric fluorescence resonance energy transfer platform for highly sensitive detection of exosomes. Analytical Chemistry 2018, 90(21): 12737-12744.

2. Chen, Y.; Liu, X.; Wu, T.; Hou, W.; Liu, M.*; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S. Enhanced electrochemical sensitivity towards acetaminophen determination using electroactive self-assembled ferrocene derivative polymer nanospheres with multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 272: 212-220.

3. Hou, W.; Liu, X.; Lu, Q.; Liu, M.*; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S. Etching and anti-etching   strategy for sensitive colorimetric sensing of H2O2 and biothiols based on silver/carbon nanomaterial, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2018, 162, 118-125.

4. Hou, W.; Chen, Y.; Lu, Q.; Liu, M.*; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S. Silver ions enhanced AuNCs fluorescence as a turn-off nanoprobe forultrasensitive detection of iodide, Talanta, 2018, 162, 118-125.

5. Miao, Z.; Hou, W.; Liu, M.; *, Zhang, Y.; Yao, S. BSA capped bi-functional   fluorescent Cu nanoclusters as pH sensor and selective detection of dopamine. New Journal of Chemistry, 2018, 42,1446-1456.

6.  Chen, H.; Lu, Q.; He, K.; Liu, M.*; Zhang, Y.*; Yao, S. A cyclic signal amplification strategy to fluorescence and colorimetric dual-readout assay for the detection of H2O2-relatedanalytes and application to colorimetric logic gate, Sensors and Actuators B, 2018, 260, 908–917.


1. Wu, Q.; Chen, H.; Fang, A.; Wu, X.; Liu, M.*; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S. A universal multifunctional nanoplatform based on the target-induced in situ promoting Au seeds growth to quench fluorescence of upconversion nanoparticles. ACS Sens., 2017, 2(12), 1805-1813.

2. Zhang, S.; Li, R.; Liu, X.; Yang, L.; Lu, Q.; Liu, M.*; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., A novel multiple signal amplifying immunosensor based on the strategy of in situ-produced electroactive substance by ALP and carbon-based Ag-Au bimetallic as the catalyst and signal enhancer. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2017, 92, 457-464.

3. Yang, L.; Huang, N.; Huang, L.; Liu, M.*; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., An electrochemical sensor for highly sensitive detection of copper ions based on a new molecular probe Pi-A decorated on graphene. Analytical Methods 2017, 9 (4), 618-624.

4. Fang, A.; Chen, H.; Li, H.; Liu, M.*; Zhang, Y. *; Yao, S., Glutathione regulation-based dual-functional upconversion sensing-platform for acetylcholinesterase activity and cadmium ions. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2017, 87, 545-551.

5. Chen, Y.; Liu, X.; Zhang, S.; Yang, L.; Liu, M.*; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., Ultrasensitive and simultaneous detection of hydroquinone, catechol and resorcinol based on the electrochemical co-reduction prepared Au-Pd nanoflower/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite. Electrochimica Acta 2017, 231,677-685.


1. Zhang, S.; Liu, X.; Huang, N.; Lu, Q.; Liu, M.*; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., Sensitive detection of hydrogen peroxide and nitrite based on silver/carbon nanocomposite synthesized by carbon dots as reductant via one step method. Electrochimica Acta 2016, 211, 36-43.

2. Zhang, S.; Huang, N.; Lu, Q.; Liu, M.*; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., A double signal electrochemical human immunoglobulin G immunosensor based on gold nanoparticles-polydopamine functionalized reduced graphene oxide as a sensor platform and AgNPs/carbon nanocomposite as signal probe and catalytic substrate. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2016, 77, 1078-1085.

3. Zhang, L.; Hou, W.; Lu, Q.; Liu, M.*; Chen, C.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., Colorimetric detection of hydrogen peroxide and lactate based on the etching of the carbon based Au-Ag bimetallic nanocomposite synthesized by carbon dots as the reductant and stabilizer. Analytica Chimica Acta 2016, 947, 23-31.

4. Yang, L.; Liu, X.; Lu, Q.; Huang, N.; Liu, M.*; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., Catalytic and peroxidase-like activity of carbon based-AuPd bimetallic nanocomposite produced using carbon dots as the reductant. Analytica Chimica Acta 2016, 930, 23-30.

5. Yang, L.; Huang, N.; Lu, Q.; Liu, M.*; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., A quadruplet electrochemical platform for ultrasensitive and simultaneous detection of ascorbic acid, dopamine, uric acid and acetaminophen based on a ferrocene derivative functional Au NPs/carbon dots nanocomposite and graphene. Analytica Chimica Acta 2016, 903, 69-80.

6. Fang, A.; Wu, Q.; Chen, H.; Li, H.; Liu, M.*; Zhang, Y. *; Yao, S. Upconversion Ratiometric Fluorescence and Colorimetric Dual-Readout Assay for Uric Acid, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2016, 86, 664-670.


1. Huang, N.; Zhang, S.; Yang, L.; Liu, M.*;Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., Multifunctional Electrochemical Platforms Based on the Michael Addition/Schiff Base Reaction of Polydopamine Modified Reduced Graphene Oxide: Construction and Application. ACS Applied Materials &Interfaces 2015, 7 (32), 17935-17946.

2. Huang, N.; Liu, M.*; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., Synergetic signal amplification based on electrochemical reduced graphene oxide-ferrocene derivative hybrid and gold nanoparticles as an ultra- sensitive detection platform for bisphenol A. Analytica Chimica Acta 2015, 853, 249-257.

3. Deng, J.; Lu, Q.; Hou, Y.; Liu, M.*; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.*;Yao, S., Nanosensor Composed of Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Dots and Gold Nanoparticles for Highly Selective Detection of Cysteine with Multiple Signals. Analytical Chemistry 2015, 87 (4), 2195-2203.

4. Huang, N.; Liu, M.*; Deng, J.; Wang, L., Zhang, Y.; Yao, S. Fabrication of New GH-CS/Fc-NH2/Cytc Modified Electrodeand Its Application in Detection of Nitrite, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 43( 3), 2015, 325-332.


1. Liu, M.; Wang, L.; Meng, Y.; Chen, Q.; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S.,(4-Ferrocenylethyne) Phenylamine Functionalized Graphene Oxide Modified Electrode for Sensitive Nitrite Sensing. Electrochimica Acta 2014, 116,504-511.

2.     Liu, C.; Shen, Y.; Yin, P.; Li, L.; Liu, M.; Zhang, Y.; Li, H.; Yao,S., Sensitive detection of acetylcholine based on a novel boronateintra molecular charge transfer fluorescence probe. Analytical Biochemistry2014, 465, 172-178.

3.     Deng, J.; Lu, Q.; Mi, N.; Li, H.; Liu, M.; Xu, M.; Tan, L.; Xie, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., Electrochemical Synthesis of Carbon Nanodots Directly from Alcohols. Chemistry-a European Journal 2014, 20 (17), 4993-4999.

4.   Chen, X.; He, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, M.; Liu, Y.; Li, J., Ultrasensitive detection of cancer cells and glycan expression profiling based on a multivalent recognition and alkaline phosphatase-responsive electrogenerated chemiluminescence biosensor. Nanoscale 2014, 6 (19), 11196-11203.

5.     Chen, Q.; Liu, M.; Zhao, J.; Peng, X.; Chen, X.; Mi, N.; Yin, B.; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., Water-dispersible silicon dots as a peroxidase mimetic for the highly-sensitive colorimetric detection of glucose. Chemical Communications2014, 50 (51), 6771-6774.

6.     Zhao, J.; Liu, M.; Zhang, Y.; Li, H.; Lin, Y.; Yao, S., Apoferritin protein nanoparticles dually labeled with aptamer and horseradish peroxidase as a sensing probe for thrombin detection. Analytica Chimica Acta 2013, 759, 53-60.

7.     Liu, M.; Deng, J.; Chen, Q.; Huang, Y.; Wang, L.; Zhao, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Li, H.; Yao, S., Sensitive detection of rutin with novel ferrocene benzyne derivative modified electrodes. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2013, 41,275-281.

8.      Liu, M.; Chen, Q.; Lai, C.; Zhang, Y.; Deng, J.; Li, H.; Yao, S., A double signal amplification platform for ultrasensitive and simultaneous detection of ascorbic acid, dopamine, uric acid and acetaminophen based on a nanocomposite of ferrocene thiolate stabilized Fe3O4@Au nanoparticles with graphene sheet. Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2013, 48, 75-81.

9.     Deng, J.; Liu, M.; Lin, F.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, Y.; Yao, S., Self-assembled oligo(phenyleneethynylene)s/graphene nanocomposite with improved electrochemical performances for dopamine determination. Analytica Chimica Acta2013, 767, 59-65.

10.      Liu, M.; Wang, L.; Deng, J.; Chen, Q.; Li, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Li, H.; Yao,S., Highly sensitive and selective dopamine biosensor based on a phenylethynyl ferrocene/graphene nanocomposite modified electrode. Analyst 2012, 137 (19),4577-4583.

11.      Liu, M.; Deng, J.; Lai, C.; Chen, Q.; Zhao, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Li, H.; Yao,S., Synthesis, characterization of conjugated oligo-phenylene-ethynylenes and their supramolecular interaction with beta-cyclodextrin for salicylaldehy dedetection. Talanta 2012, 100, 229-238.

12       Luo, J.;Dong, M.; Lin, F.; Liu, M.; Tang, H.; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Yao, S., Three-dimensional network polyamidoamine dendrimer-Au nanocomposite for the construction of a mediator-free horseradish peroxidase biosensor. Analyst 2011,136 (21), 4500-4506.

13     Yang, Q.; Zhang, Y.; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, M.; Luo, J.; Tan, L.;Tang, H.; Yao, S., Electrochemical copolymerization study of o-toluidine and o-aminophenol by the simultaneous EQCM and in situ FTIR spectroelectrochemisty. Talanta 2010, 81 (1-2), 664-672.

14.     Luo, J.; Liu, M.; Zhao, Q.; Zhao, J.; Zhang, Y.; Tan, L.; Tang, H.; Xie, Q.; Li,H.; Yao, S., A study on the electro-oxidation and electropolymerization of anew OPE linear molecule by EQCM and in situ FTIR spectroelectrochemistry. ElectrochimicaActa 2010, 56 (1), 454-462.

15.      Liu, M.; Zhang, Y.; Chen, Y.; Xie, Q.; Yao, S., EQCM and in situ FTIR spectroelectrochemistry study on the electrochemical oxidation of TMB and the effect of large-sized anions. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2008, 622(2), 184-192.

16.     刘美玲, 骆姣, 张友玉, 姚守拙. 现场压电红外反射光谱电化学研究邻联甲苯胺的电化学行为[J]. 分析化学,2008,09:1172-1176.

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28.        赵严,邓建辉,刘美玲*,李海涛,张友玉. 二茂铁乙炔苯巯基化合物的合成及电化学性质[J]. 应用化学,2011,10:1161-1166.

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1.“碳、硅纳米材料及其复合物的合成及分析应用”,湖南省自然科学二等奖(排名第二), 2018年。

2. 湖南省自然科学优秀论文一等奖,湖南省科技厅,2015.6。

3. 基于新型对亚苯基亚乙炔基衍生物的小分子化学/生物传感研究. 湖南省优秀博士论文奖,2015年。

4. 刘美玲. 基于新型对亚苯基亚乙炔基衍生物的小分子化学/生物传感研究. 新浦京集团350vip优秀博士论文. 2013年.

5.  刘美玲. 电化学石英晶体阻抗及现场红外光谱在生物和聚合物系中的应用研究. 湖南省优秀硕士论文奖, 2008年.

6.  刘美玲, 张友玉, 谢青季. 石英晶体阻抗和电化学阻抗联用研究单宁与牛血清白蛋白的结合过程并估算其动力学参数. 长沙市自然科学优秀学术论文奖, 一等奖, 2007年.







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